Table. 2.

Association between 10-year-cardiovascular risk and other variables (n=3,604)

Subject Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients t P-value
B (95% CI) SE β
Age 4.075 (3.903–4.246) 0.087 0.509 46.578 <0.001
Sex -8.261 (-8.612 to 7.911) 0.179 -0.454 -46.278 <0.001
Obesity 0.514 (0.199–0.828) 0.160 0.028 3.202 0.001
Alcohol consumption -0.643(-1.039 to -0.246) 0.202 -0.030 -3.179 0.001
Smoking 5.239 (4.778–5.701) 0.236 0.207 22.245 <0.001
Diabetes mellitus 5.856 (5.505–6.206) 0.179 0.292 32.791 <0.001
Hyperlipidemia 2.086 (1.491–2.681) 0.303 0.060 6.877 <0.001
Pulse pressure index 2.034 (1.806–2.262) 0.116 0.190 17.478 <0.001

CI, confidence interval; SE, standard error.

P-values are determined by linear regression analysis.

R2=0.732 (adj.R2=0.731), F=1,226.266 (P-value<0.001).

Korean J Fam Pract 2024;14:19~27