Table. 3.

Factors associated with contraceptive practice among sexually active male adolescents in 2018 and 2021

Group 1 (n=1,872) Group 2 (n=2,031) P-value
n (%) Standard error n (%) Standard error
The most commonly used method of contraception <0.001
Oral contraceptives 124 (6.0) 0.6 31 (1.5) 0.3
Condom 1,611 (86.8) 0.8 638 (31.7) 1.0
Withdrawal method 109 (5.6) 0.5 160 (8.0) 0.6
Menstrual cycle method 15 (0.9) 0.2 28 (1.4) 0.3
Emergency contraceptives 6 (0.4) 0.1 11 (0.7) 0.2
IUD (loop) 7 (0.4) 0.1 4 (0.3) 0.1
Never 1,159 (56.4)
Sexual intercourse after alcohol drinking <0.001
Yes 345 (18.2) 0.9 744 (38.1) 1.2
No 1,527 (81.8) 0.9 1,287 (61.9) 1.2
Sex education at school 0.002
Yes 1,306 (69.5) 1.2 1,332 (64.3) 1.3
No 566 (30.5) 1.2 699 (35.7) 1.3
Grade 0.003
Middle 1 62 (2.6) 0.4 114 (4.9) 0.5
Middle 2 162 (7.3) 0.6 161 (6.8) 0.6
Middle 3 234 (11.2) 0.8 243 (10.3) 0.8
High 1 300 (14.9) 0.9 342 (16.0) 0.9
High 2 507 (27.9) 1.1 503 (24.5) 1.1
High 3 607 (36.0) 1.3 668 (37.6) 1.2
Area of residence 0.812
Large 979 (52.3) 1.5 1,082 (53.1) 1.7
Small 781 (42.9) 1.5 841 (42.5) 1.7
Rural 112 (4.9) 0.6 108 (4.4) 0.7
Subjective household economic status 0.637
High 862 (45.6) 1.3 903 (44.8) 1.2
Middle 694 (37.5) 1.2 755 (37.1) 1.1
Low 316 (16.9) 0.9 373 (18.1) 0.9
Residential type <0.001
With family 1,719 (92.3) 0.6 1,780 (87.4) 0.9
With relatives 16 (1.0) 0.2 46 (2.5) 0.4
With friends, or alone 46 (2.7) 0.4 51 (2.7) 0.4
Dormitory 70 (3.0) 0.4 69 (3.1) 0.5
Facility 21 (0.9) 0.2 85 (4.2) 0.5
Academic achievement 0.007
High 660 (34.1) 1.1 704 (34.9) 1.1
Middle 491 (26.8) 1.1 462 (22.7) 0.9
Low 721 (39.2) 1.1 865 (42.4) 1.1
Subjective health status 0.045
Healthy 1,421 (75.6) 1.0 1,475 (72.3) 1.0
Average 315 (17.1) 0.8 398 (19.8) 0.9
Not healthy 136 (7.3) 0.6 158 (7.9) 0.6
Subjective body type 0.780
Skinny 563 (30.6) 1.1 621 (31.3) 1.0
Average 711 (37.9) 1.1 747 (36.8) 1.1
Overweight 598 (31.6) 1.1 663 (31.9) 1.1
Perceived stress 0.048
Very stressed 727 (38.0) 1.2 825 (40.6) 1.2
Somewhat stressed 771 (42.0) 1.1 770 (37.8) 1.2
Not stressed 374 (20.0) 0.9 436 (21.5) 1.0
Sadness or hopelessness <0.001
Yes 647 (34.0) 1.1 804 (40.1) 1.2
No 1,225 (66.0) 1.1 1,227 (59.9) 1.2
Suicidal idea 0.002
Yes 314 (16.6) 0.9 402 (20.5) 0.9
No 1,558 (83.4) 0.9 1,629 (79.5) 0.9
Alcohol <0.001
Yes 812 (44.5) 1.2 1,001 (51.1) 1.2
No 1,060 (55.5) 1.2 1,030 (48.9) 1.2
Smoking <0.001
Yes 637 (33.9) 1.1 905 (46.2) 1.3
No 1,235 (66.1) 1.1 1,126 (53.8) 1.3
Drug <0.001
Yes 54 (2.4) 0.3 181 (9.2) 0.7
No 1,818 (97.6) 0.3 1,850 (90.8) 0.7
Violence <0.001
Yes 94 (4.6) 0.5 216 (10.7) 0.7
No 1,778 (95.4) 0.5 1,815 (89.3) 0.7
Average time spent on the Internet per day (weekday) 0.027
0≤min<200 1,143 (60.7) 1.2 1,263 (62.5) 1.2
200≤min<400 441 (24.0) 1.1 420 (20.6) 1.0
400≤min<600 140 (7.4) 0.6 146 (7.2) 0.6
600≤min 148 (7.9) 0.6 202 (9.7) 0.6
Average time spent on the Internet per day (weekend) <0.001
0≤min<200 876 (47.8) 1.3 1,035 (52.1) 1.2
200≤min<400 488 (25.7) 1.1 478 (23.7) 0.9
400≤min<600 224 (12.0) 0.8 167 (7.8) 0.6
600≤min 284 (14.5) 0.8 351 (16.4) 0.9
Year 0.006
2018 975 (53.0) 1.4 1,143 (57.8) 1.6
2021 897 (47.0) 1.4 888 (42.2) 1.6

Values are presented as number (estimated %), and standard error for categorical variables.

P-values were calculated by chi-square test.

Group 1 included cases of always practicing contraception and Group 2 included the rest cases with mostly, sometimes or never practicing contraception.

IUD, intrauterine devices.

Korean J Fam Pract 2024;14:28~39