Table. 2.

Multivariable analysis of factors associated with dynapenia in Korea older men with diabetes

Model 1 Model 2
OR (95% CI) P-value OR (95% CI) P-value
Age (y)
≥80 11.509 (5.990–22.114) <0.001 8.062 (3.908–16.632) <0.001
75–79 4.699 (2.671–8.267) <0.001 3.582 (1.957–6.558) <0.001
70–74 2.178 (1.254–3.783) 0.006 2.072 (1.109–3.872) 0.022
65–69 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Education: ≤middle school graduate 1.890 (1.241–2.877) 0.003 1.458 (0.932–2.282) 0.099
Employment: no 1.718 (1.121–2.633) 0.013 1.447 (0.929–2.253) 0.102
Household income
Lowest quintile 1.574 (0.602–4.116) 0.354
Middle 1.249 (0.480–3.248) 0.648
Highest quintile 1 (reference)
Medical history: stroke 2.393 (1.348–4.247) 0.003 1.809 (0.941–3.478) 0.075
Medication treatment: dyslipidemia 0.610 (0.381–0.979) 0.041 0.751 (0.459–1.229) 0.254
Alcohol drinking: ≥1/mo 0.587 (0.396–0.869) 0.008 0.715 (0.476–1.074) 0.106
Regular aerobic exercise: no 2.063 (1.301–3.271) 0.002 1.536 (0.956–2.466) 0.076
Resistance exercise: <2/wk 4.028 (2.282–7.108) <0.001 3.188 (1.751–5.806) <0.001
Body mass index (per 1 kg/m2) 0.895 (0.830–0.965) 0.004 0.908 (0.845–0.975) 0.008
Unintentional weight loss: ≥3 kg/y 1.651 (0.972–2.805) 0.063 1.080 (0.623–1.874) 0.783
Chewing discomfort 1.499 (1.020–2.204) 0.040 1.318 (0.881–1.974) 0.179
Daily calorie intake (per 100 kcal) 0.945 (0.914–0.979) 0.001 0.967 (0.935–1.001) 0.056
Protein intake (per 0.1 g/weight-kg) 0.754 (0.930–1.016) 0.213

Model 1 was adjusted for age. Model 2 was adjusted for age, education, employment, medical history, medication treatment, alcohol drinking, aerobic and resistance exercise, body mass index, unintentional weight loss, chewing discomfort, and daily calorie intake.

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Korean J Fam Pract 2024;14:49~56