Table. 3.

Multivariable analysis of factors associated with dynapenia in Korea older women with diabetes

Model 1 Model 2
OR (95% CI) P-value OR (95% CI) P-value
Age (y)
≥80 7.639 (4.603–12.678) <0.001 7.313 (4.359–12.267) <0.001
75–79 2.615 (1.667–4.103) <0.001 2.499 (1.585–3.939) <0.001
70–74 1.351 (0.881–2.073) 0.167 1.354 (0.881–2.081) 0.166
65–69 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Education: ≤middle school graduate 1.554 (0.871–2.771) 0.135
Employment: no 1.245 (0.822–1.886) 0.301
Household income
Lowest quintile 1.536 (0.773–3.052) 0.354
Middle 1.202 (0.607–2.383) 0.648
Highest quintile 1 (reference)
Medical history: stroke 1.223 (0.678–2.209) 0.503
Medication treatment: dyslipidemia 0.779 (0.551–1.101) 0.157
Alcohol drinking: ≥1/mo 0.759 (0.466–1.238) 0.269
Regular aerobic exercise: no 1.478 (1.014–2.514) 0.042 1.511 (1.033–2.209) 0.033
Resistance exercise: <2/wk 1.602 (0.757–3.389) 0.217
Body mass index (per 1 kg/m2) 0.955 (0.906–1.007) 0.091 0.952 (0.903–1.004) 0.073
Unintentional weight loss: ≥3 kg/y 1.057 (0.639–1.748) 0.829
Chewing discomfort 1.093 (0.787–1.517) 0.595
Daily calorie intake (per 100 kcal) 0.982 (0.947–1.017) 0.303
Protein intake (per 0.1 g/weight-kg) 0.973 (0.929–1.020) 0.253

Model 1 was adjusted for age. Model 2 was adjusted for age, aerobic exercise, and body mass index.

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Korean J Fam Pract 2024;14:49~56