Table. 3.

FRAMES motivational enhancement interview

Element Contents Examples of conversation
① Feedback Provision of objective evidences “Liver function became worse due to heavy drinking.”
“You have withdrawal symptoms.”
② Responsibility Emphasis of responsibility for changes “Other people cannot change your behaviors.”
“You have to change by yourself.”
③ Advice Advices to improve problematic behaviors “Problems will be worsened as long as your drinking continues.”
“Changes are needed.” “Moderate drinking is needed.”
“You have to quit drinking.”
④ Menu Provision of various strategies that patients can choose “Would you determine the drinking frequency?”
“Would you determine the quantity of drink?”
“Why don’t you do this when you drink?”
“Would you write a drinking diary?”
“May I connect you to an alcohol education program?”
⑤ Empathy Interview attitudes with warmly understanding of patients “You were in such a situation so you had no choice but to drink.”
“You must have been feeling bad.”
“Your family members are very worried.”
⑥ Self-efficacy Enhancement of patients’ self-esteem that they can change “If you try a little, you have a very strong possibility to get better.”
“You have a strong will so you can do well.”
Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:14~21