Table. 1.

The general characteristics of the study population according to multimorbidity

Variable Multimorbidity (n=800) Non-multimorbidity (n=3,660) P-value
Sex 0.123
Male 320 (48.1) 1,611 (51.6)
Female 480 (51.9) 2,049 (48.4)
Age <0.001
40–44 38 (6.1) 606 (18.4)
45–49 78 (14.6) 577 (19.4)
50–54 126 (20.3) 844 (25.0)
55–59 227 (26.8) 859 (21.9)
60–64 331 (32.2) 774 (15.3)
Marital status 0.001
Married 635 (78.8) 3,088 (84.9)
Unmarried 165 (21.2) 572 (15.1)
Education (y) <0.001
12 or less 414 (47.0) 1,312 (32.2)
More than 12 386 (53.0) 2,348 (67.8)
Currently smoking 0.487
No 645 (74.8) 2,909 (76.3)
Yes 155 (25.2) 751 (23.7)
Alcohol (times/wk) 0.723
More than 1 613 (72.1) 2,743 (71.4)
1 or less 187 (27.9) 917 (28.6)
Frequency of strengthexercise (times/wk) 0.992
2 or less 641 (79.3) 2,934 (79.2)
More than 3 159 (20.7) 726 (20.8)
BMI (kg/m2) <0.001
Underweight 15 (1.7) 56 (1.3)
Normal 364 (44.4) 2,155 (58.4)
Obesity 421 (53.8) 1,449 (40.3)
Private insurance <0.001
No 581 (73.4) 3,132 (86.3)
Yes 219 (26.6) 528 (13.7)
Subjective health status <0.001
Good 91 (11.7) 973 (26.6)
Usual 387 (46.8) 2,018 (55.7)
Bad 322 (41.5) 669 (17.7)

Data are presented as unweighted number (weighted percent).

BMI, body mass index.

P-values by chi-square test.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:22~28