Table. 3.

Mean cortical thickness for clusters where a significant cortical atrophy was observed in obese patients compared to controls (FDR corrected, P<0.05)

Region Cortical thickness (mm) No. of vertexes in cluster Cluster size(mm2) Talairach coordinates(X, Y, Z)

Obese group (n=10) Control group (n=11)
Supramarginal 2.674±0.199 2.837±0.164 377 180.97 -50.8 -52.8 20.2
Inferior parietal 2.751±0.496 3.105±0.164 128 78.73 -44.5 -70.5 23
Pars orbitalis 2.697±0.270 3.135±0.280 90 42.21 -44.2 40.2 -13.4
Pars opercularis 2.600±0.263 2.793±0.155 14 5.72 -42.2 13.1 4.9

Values are mean±standard deviation.

FDR, false discovery rate.

Statistical significance was tested using analysis of covariance adjusted for age, education, total intracranial volume, and gender.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:61~66