Table. 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants

Variable Sleep duration (hr) Total P-value
Very short (≤4) Short (5–6) Average (7–8) Long (≥9)
Total 219 (10.5) 833 (40.1) 868 (40.9) 184 (8.5) 2,104 (100.0)
Age (y) 72.97±0.42 72.17±0.19 72.16±0.21 73.42±0.49 72.36±0.14 0.024
Waist circumference (cm) 83.34±0.76 85.40±0.35 85.01±0.36 86.26±0.92 85.10±0.26 0.031
Right hand grip strength (kg) 23.52±0.66 27.18±0.32 27.94±0.36 26.84±0.82 27.06±0.26 <0.001
Left hand grip strength (kg) 22.37±0.67 25.72±0.33 26.49±0.35 25.50±0.86 25.64±0.26 <0.001
Hand grip strength (kg) 22.94±0.66 26.45±0.32 27.21±0.35 26.17±0.83 26.35±0.25 <0.001
Dominant hand grip strength (kg) 23.50±0.66 27.17±0.33 27.99±0.36 26.90±0.81 27.07±0.26 <0.001
Non-dominant hand grip strength (kg) 22.39±0.68 25.73±0.33 26.44±0.35 25.44±0.87 25.62±0.26 <0.001
Sex <0.001
Male 63 (27.2) 369 (43.1) 456 (51.0) 98 (52.9) 986 (45.5)
Female 156 (72.8) 464 (56.9) 412 (49.0) 86 (47.1) 1,118 (54.5)
Educational level <0.001
≤Elementary school 176 (80.6) 466 (58.3) 458 (54.9) 124 (67.0) 1,224 (60.0)
Middle school 15 (7.2) 121 (13.6) 139 (14.2) 25 (14.1) 300 (13.2)
High school 23 (10.0) 151 (17.3) 168 (19.7) 25 (13.1) 367 (17.1)
≥College 5 (2.1) 95 (10.8) 103 (11.3) 10 (5.8) 213 (9.7)
Number of family members <0.001
1 68 (29.3) 174 (18.6) 143 (15.1) 33 (16.3) 418 (18.1)
≥2 151 (70.7) 659 (81.4) 725 (84.9) 151 (83.7) 1,686 (81.9)
Body mass index (kg/m2) 0.262
Underweight (<18.5) 9 (4.0) 17 (2.2) 24 (2.6) 6 (2.2) 56 (2.6)
Normal (18.5–24.9) 146 (65.3) 498 (58.0) 536 (61.9) 111 (58.8) 1,291 (60.5)
Obesity (≥25) 64 (30.7) 318 (39.8) 308 (35.4) 67 (39.0) 757 (37.0)
Smoking status <0.001
Current 60 (27.3) 303 (35.8) 394 (44.3) 75 (41.3) 832 (38.9)
Ever 0 (0.0) 7 (0.7) 10 (1.3) 1 (0.6) 18 (0.9)
Never 159 (72.7) 523 (63.5) 464 (54.4) 108 (58.1) 1,254 (60.3)
Alcohol use 0.215
Heavy drinker 36 (16.1) 159 (19.2) 167 (18.9) 34 (16.0) 396 (18.5)
Ever drinker 115 (52.2) 465 (55.3) 495 (57.3) 94 (50.7) 1,169 (55.4)
Never drinker 68 (31.7) 209 (25.5) 206 (23.8) 56 (33.3) 539 (26.1)
Regular physical activity <0.001
Yes 63 (25.6) 338 (40.5) 339 (39.8) 57 (29.5) 797 (37.7)
No 156 (74.4) 495 (59.5) 529 (60.2) 127 (70.5) 1,307 (62.3)
Diabetes mellitus 0.401
Yes 38 (18.3) 160 (19.2) 171 (19.2) 43 (24.9) 412 (19.6)
No 181 (81.7) 673 (80.8) 697 (80.8) 141 (75.1) 1,692 (80.4)
High blood pressure 0.897
Yes 120 (52.8) 465 (55.0) 458 (53.3) 101 (54.7) 1,144 (54.1)
No 99 (47.2) 368 (45.0) 410 (46.7) 83 (45.3) 960 (45.9)
Cardiovascular disease 0.121
Yes 13 (4.5) 69 (8.1) 53 (5.8) 11 (5.0) 146 (6.5)
No 206 (95.5) 764 (91.9) 815 (94.2) 173 (95.0) 1,958 (93.5)
Stroke 0.164
Yes 16 (8.9) 44 (4.6) 58 (6.6) 14 (7.7) 132 (6.1)
No 203 (91.1) 789 (95.4) 810 (93.4) 170 (92.3) 1,972 (93.9)
Hyperlipidemia 0.059
Yes 72 (30.1) 234 (27.6) 212 (24.1) 40 (19.4) 558 (25.7)
No 147 (69.9) 599 (72.4) 656 (75.9) 144 (80.6) 1,546 (74.3)
Cancer 0.560
Yes 23 (11.2) 74 (9.5) 85 (9.6) 14 (6.7) 196 (9.5)
No 196 (88.8) 759 (90.5) 783 (90.4) 170 (93.3) 1,908 (90.5)
Depressive disorder 0.638
Yes 17 (6.8) 46 (5.5) 46 (5.1) 15 (7.3) 124 (5.6)
No 202 (93.2) 787 (94.5) 822 (94.9) 169 (92.7) 1,980 (94.4)

Values are presented as mean±standard error for continuous variables or unweighted n (weighted %) for categorical variables.

P-values are from Rao-scott χ2 test or ANOVA.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:170~176