Table. 2.

Baseline nonclinical features in the two groups of patients with DMR

Variables With DMR(n=83) Middle-aged group (40≤age≤59, n=34) Elderly group (age≥60, n=49) P-value
Number Weighted % (SE) Number Weighted % (SE) Number Weighted % (SE)
Sex, female 34 38.5 (6.26) 12 34.0 (8.97) 22 43.7 (7.50) 0.394
DM diagnose y 72 50.2 (1.40) 27 44.9 (1.60) 45 55.5 (1.82) <0.001
Employed 47 64.4 (5.73) 28 86.8 (6.16) 19 38.7 (7.73) <0.001
Education level <0.001
≤Elementary school 33 34.6 (5.78) 4 11.3 (6.35) 29 61.2 (7.39)
Middle school graduation 11 14.1 (4.73) 4 11.8 (6.97) 7 16.8 (5.94)
≥High school graduation 36 51.3 (6.20) 24 76.8 (8.81) 12 22.0 (6.66)
Income, quartile 0.715
Lowest 30 37.3 (6.07) 13 41.9 (9.24) 17 32.2 (6.85)
Middle 39 45.8 (6.75) 16 43.0 (10.25) 23 48.9 (7.78)
Highest 14 16.9 (5.27) 5 15.1 (7.93) 9 18.9 (6.13)
Residence 0.379
Rural 20 17.4 (4.59) 5 13.0 (6.89) 15 22.4 (6.68)
Urban 63 82.6 (4.59) 29 87.0 (6.89) 34 77.6 (6.68)
Family type 0.059
Alone 21 20.8 (4.75) 3 11.3 (6.23) 18 31.6 (6.89)
Not alone 62 79.2 (4.75) 31 88.7 (6.23) 31 68.4 (6.89)
Marriage status 0.615
Single 21 24.1 (5.33) 6 21.5 (8.22) 15 27.1 (6.81)
Spouse 60 75.9 (5.33) 27 78.5 (8.22) 33 72.9 (6.81)
Smoking 23 33.3 (5.95) 16 50.2 (9.05) 7 13.7 (5.42) 0.003
Alcohol 35 42.1 (5.34) 16 46.0 (8.48) 19 37.7 (7.57) 0.504
Aerobic 11 17.2 (6.66) 7 23.2 (11.13) 4 10.4 (5.10) 0.240
Muscle strength 15 20.1 (4.72) 8 23.9 (7.52) 7 15.7 (5.51) 0.388
Walking 58 75.8 (5.58) 23 77.0 (8.75) 35 74.4 (6.00) 0.810
Health screening 65 84.1 (4.24) 30 91.7 (5.91) 35 75.7 (5.79) 0.130
Fundus exam, yes 30 35.6 (6.44) 12 36.9 (9.24) 18 34.0 (7.50) 0.791

DMR, diabetic retinopathy; SE, standard error.

P-values were determined using the Rao-Scott chi-square test.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:177~183