Table. 3.

The difference of SBP by the health related factors of study group

Variable No. (%) SBP P-value
HTN medication compliance <0.01
Daily 431 (92.3) 124.82±0.01
Not daily 36 (7.7) 136.96±0.03
Unmet medical needs <0.01
Yes 438 (93.8) 125.71±0.01
No 29 (6.2) 127.67±0.03
Body image perception <0.01
Slim-regular 174 (37.3) 125.48±0.01
Obese 293 (62.7) 126.05±0.01
Hospitalization for 1 y <0.01
Yes 66 (14.1) 123.96±0.02
No 401 (85.9) 126.14±0.01
Health awareness <0.01
≥Moderate 346 (74.1) 125.70±0.01
Bad 121 (25.9) 126.27±0.02
Total 467 (100) 125.84±0.01

Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation.

SBP, systolic blood pressure; HTN, hypertension.

P-values by weighted t-test.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:204~209