Table. 4.

Multiple linear regression analysis for the characteristics of study group on SBP

Variable B β SE P-value
HTN medication compliance 13.000 0.257 0.029 <0.01
Age (y) 1.542 0.092 0.011 <0.01
Diet therapy 2.446 0.081 0.017 <0.01
Sex 2.052 0.072 0.019 <0.01
Health screening 2.406 0.071 0.019 <0.01
Breakfast frequency 1.968 0.064 0.019 <0.01
Alcohol 1.641 0.056 0.018 <0.01
Lunch frequency -2.512 -0.051 0.029 <0.01
Hospitalization for 1 y 2.042 0.050 0.022 <0.01
Education -0.893 -0.049 0.012 <0.01
Aerobic exercise 1.396 0.048 0.016 <0.01
Smoking 1.025 0.032 0.019 <0.01
Dinner frequency -1.366 -0.029 0.028 <0.01
Body image perception 0.630 0.022 0.016 <0.01
Marriage 0.624 0.011 0.032 <0.01
Health awareness 0.357 0.011 0.019 <0.01
Unmet medical needs 0.090 0.002 0.032 0.01

R2=0.102, Adjusted R2=0.102, F=20,624.836, P<0.001.

SBP, systolic blood pressure; B, unstandardized regression coefficient; β, standardized regression coefficient; SE, standard error; HTN, hypertension.

P-values by weighted multiple linear regression analysis.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:204~209