Table. 2.

Comparison of characteristics between participants with good SRH and poor SRH (N=218)

Variable Good SRH Poor SRH P-value
N % N %
Age (y) 0.377a
≤40 1 20.00 4 80.00
>40, ≤60 36 40.91 52 59.09
>60 40 32.00 85 68.00
Sex 0.259b
Male 46 38.66 73 61.34
Female 31 31.31 68 68.69
BMI 0.730a
<18.5 4 30.77 9 69.23
≥18.5, <25 45 35.16 83 64.84
≥25 28 36.36 49 63.64
Education (y) 0.147b
≤12 63 37.95 103 62.05
>12 14 26.92 38 73.08
Marital status 0.183b
Married 61 37.89 100 62.11
Single, divorced, or separated 16 28.07 41 71.93
Smoking status 0.423a
Non-smoker 37 33.33 74 66.67
Ex-smoker 33 36.26 58 63.74
Current smoker 7 43.75 9 56.25
Alcohol consumption 0.074a
Non-drinker 39 30.47 89 69.53
Moderate drinker 20 37.04 34 62.96
Heavy drinker 18 50.00 18 50.00
Stress 0.004a
None 16 55.17 13 44.83
Moderate 42 37.17 71 62.83
Severe 19 36.39 57 63.61
Depressive mood 0.042b
No 55 40.44 81 59.56
Yes 22 26.83 60 73.17
Cancer type 0.029b
Gastrointestinal cancer 33 50.00 33 50.00
Lung cancer 10 35.71 18 64.29
Liver/pancreas cancer 17 25.00 51 75.00
Breast/cervical cancer 6 24.00 19 76.00
Etc. 11 35.48 20 64.52
Survival period (y) 0.008b
<5 69 18.18 105 81.82
≥5 8 39.66 36 60.34
Stage 0.846a
I 6 28.57 15 71.43
II 14 41.18 20 58.82
III 13 40.63 19 59.38
IV 44 33.59 87 66.41
Distant metastasis
No 39 41.49 55 58.51 0.097
Yes 38 30.65 86 69.35
Chemotherapy 0.089b
No 2 14.29 12 85.71
Yes 75 36.76 129 63.24
Radiotherapy 0.082b
No 59 39.07 92 60.93
Yes 18 26.87 49 73.13
Diseases or conditions 0.504b
No 15 31.25 33 68.75
Yes 62 36.47 108 63.53
Diabetes, yes 38 36.80 65 63.11 0.646b
Hypertension, yes 25 34.25 48 65.75 0.814b
Dyslipidemia, yes 10 35.71 18 64.29 0.963b

SRH, self-rated health.

aP for trends were calculated by liner by liner association for (2×n) data. bP-values were calculated by Pearson chi-square test for (2×2) data.

Korean J Fam Pract 2021;11:385~392