Table. 2.

General characteristics of type of households and heavy smoking status

Characteristic One-person (n=888) Multi-person (n=7,096)
Non-heavy smoking Heavy smoking P-value Non-heavy smoking Heavy smoking P-value
Age (y) 0.022 <0.001
19–29 118 (23.4) 5 (10.7) 1,009 (21.9) 28 (8.7)
30–39 125 (22.0) 11 (21.3) 1,574 (25.7) 84 (19.0)
40–49 111 (17.0) 19 (31.3) 1,440 (23.5) 171 (35.8)
50–59 166 (18.5) 23 (26.4) 1,246 (17.8) 148 (27.5)
60–69 159 (11.3) 8 (6.2) 766 (7.0) 69 (7.8)
≥70 137 (7.9) 6 (4.0) 548 (4.1) 13 (1.3)
Sex 0.008 <0.001
Male 611 (81.5) 65 (93.6) 5,554 (85.8) 500 (98.1)
Female 205 (18.5) 7 (6.4) 1,029 (14.2) 13 (1.9)
Household income 0.063 0.506
Low 348 (33.1) 17 (18.0) 940 (12.4) 71 (12.9)
Medium-low 186 (22.5) 12 (19.9) 1,737 (26.5) 143 (29.6)
Medium-high 148 (24.1) 19 (31.9) 2,011 (32.2) 153 (31.6)
High 132 (20.3) 22 (30.2) 1,850 (28.9) 139 (25.9)
Education <0.001 <0.001
≤Elementary school 215 (15.9) 12 (12.0) 815 (9.0) 71 (11.8)
Middle school 81 (7.3) 17 (22.2) 646 (9.1) 88 (17.7)
High school 275 (41.3) 27 (51.3) 2592 (44.9) 209 (46.1)
≥College/university 210 (35.4) 14 (14.5) 2287 (37.1) 120 (24.4)
Marital status 0.031 0.002
Married 96 (9.1) 16 (17.9) 4,841 (67.0) 416 (75.1)
Divorced/widowed/unmarried 720 (90.9) 56 (82.1) 1,742 (33.0) 96 (24.9)
Occupation 0.227 <0.001
Non-manual 137 (22.7) 13 (15.3) 1,753 (27.3) 97 (18.5)
Manual 327 (42.4) 34 (54.0) 3,071 (47.6) 324 (64.6)
Others 352 (34.9) 25 (30.7) 1,759 (25.1) 92 (16.9)
Regular exercise 293 (38.7) 18 (27.5) 0.135 2,359 (37.2) 142 (27.8) <0.001
Body weight 0.634 <0.001
Underweight 114 (13.6) 9 (13.0) 818 (12.2) 42 (6.9)
Normal 430 (51.3) 34 (45.3) 3,403 (51.1) 241 (47.0)
Overweight 268 (35.1) 29 (41.7) 2,330 (36.7) 229 (46.1)
Level of stress 0.142 0.010
None/low 266 (31.4) 30 (42.2) 2,153 (34.0) 201 (40.3)
Moderate/extreme 549 (68.6) 42 (57.8) 4,429 (66.0) 312 (59.7)
Depression 111 (18.6) 12 (22.4) 0.538 589 (12.1) 68 (18.3) 0.002
Alcohol 0.114 0.002
None 100 (9.1) 10 (12.9) 477 (6.2) 50 (8.2)
≤1 time/wk 351 (50.3) 25 (33.8) 3,007 (48.7) 150 (31.6)
>1 time/wk 321 (40.6) 34 (53.3) 2,879 (45.1) 298 (60.2)
Age of starting smoking (y) 0.002 <0.001
≤19 365 (51.9) 49 (72.9) 3,487 (57.8) 346 (70.4)
20–25 296 (36.5) 20 (24.6) 2,497 (35.3) 140 (25.7)
≥26 153 (11.6) 3 (2.5) 587 (6.9) 26 (3.9)
Smoking period (y) 0.005 <0.001
≤9 117 (21.9) 3 (4.1) 891 (18.6) 18 (5.6)
10–29 313 (45.3) 29 (52.0) 3,274 (53.4) 257 (55.2)
≥30 384 (32.8) 40 (43.9) 2,406 (28.0) 237 (39.1)

Values are presented as number (%).

P-value were calculated by chi-square test.

Korean J Fam Pract 2022;12:79~85