Table. 2.

Characteristics of subjects by age group

Variable Age group (y) P-value
<20 20–29 30–39 ≥40
Exercise (yes) 71 (29.8) 122 (25.1) 26 (15.4) 65 (29.0) 0.050
Drinking (yes) 163 (68.5) 307 (63.0) 93 (55.0) 13 (50.4) <0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 20.49±3.83 20.60±3.41 20.85±3.42 22.25±6.28 <0.001
WC (inch) 27.30±3.58 27.60±3.61 29.69±19.68 28.78±3.92 0.010
Cigarettes smoked per day 11.57±8.59 9.44±5.65 10.02±5.93 9.73±7.22 0.001
Total smoking period 2.57±2.01 5.92±3.88 13.66±4.86 20.70±10.60 <0.001
Pack years 1.56±1.70 3.08±2.91 7.18±5.92 11.19±11.42 <0.001
Age at which first cigarette was smoked 15.47±2.34 17.95±2.94 20.93±4.77 29.02±9.97 <0.001
FTND scores 3.17±2.46 3.00±2.33 2.99±2.25 3.13±2.34 0.770
CO (ppm) 6.20±6.90 8.38±7.49 9.66±7.82 8.06±8.26 <0.001
Importance 6.74±2.27 7.17±2.18 7.21±2.19 7.70±2.24 0.002
Confidence 5.53±2.46 5.80±2.35 5.80±2.16 6.27±2.33 0.049
NRT 58 (24.4) 204 (41.9) 76 (45.0) 74 (33.0) <0.001
Number of counseling sessions 3.62±3.24 3.88±3.82 4.34±4.42 6.22±5.87 <0.001
Smoking abstinence prevalence rates
4 weeks 41 (17.2) 162 (33.3) 59 (34.9) 97 (43.3) <0.001
12 weeks 31 (13.0) 127 (26.1) 37 (21.9) 81 (36.2) <0.001
6 months 21 (8.8) 66 (13.6) 20 (11.8) 59 (26.3) <0.001

Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation.

BMI, body mass index; WC, waist circumference; FTND, Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence; CO, carbon monoxide; NRT, nicotine replacement therapy.

P-values from χ2 test or ANOVA test.

Korean J Fam Pract 2022;12:201~210