Table. 2.

Related factors associated with increased risk of anemia

Characteristic Model 1 Model 2
Crude OR 95% CI P–value Adjusted OR 95% CI P–value
Male 1.00 1.00
Female 1.39 1.03–1.88 0.031 1.12 0.70–1.80 0.630
Age (y)
65–69 1.00 1.00
70–74 1.26 0.74–2.15 0.391 1.14 0.66–1.95 0.645
75–79 2.72 1.64–4.51 <0.001 2.10 1.25–3.54 0.006
≥80 4.49 2.71–7.44 <0.001 3.37 1.96–5.79 <0.001
College or higher 1.00 1.00
High 1.16 0.57–2.33 0.683 1.04 0.51–2.12 0.905
Middle 1.14 0.56–2.31 0.721 1.12 0.55–2.30 0.750
Under elementary 1.68 0.94–3.01 0.082 1.20 0.67–2.17 0.539
Non-smoker 1.00 1.00
Ex-smoker 0.85 0.58–1.23 0.385 1.20 0.73–1.97 0.481
Current smoker 0.72 0.42–1.23 0.229 0.96 0.46–1.97 0.902
Non-drinker 1.00 1.00
Current drinker 0.48 0.34–0.68 <0.001 0.60 0.40–0.91 0.015
Normal 1.00 1.00
Underweight 1.68 0.78–3.65 0.187 1.62 0.68–3.84 0.272
Overweight 0.82 0.55–1.20 0.303 0.82 0.54–1.25 0.349
Obese 0.56 0.37–0.85 0.007 0.42 0.26–0.68 <0.001
Hypertension 0.72 0.24–2.13 0.554 0.74 0.90–1.85 0.522
Dyslipidemia 1.09 0.50–2.36 0.831 1.08 0.49–2.40 0.842
Diabetes mellitus 1.02 0.14–7.16 0.987 1.24 0.14–11.33 0.846
Stroke 1.18 0.65–2.16 0.586 0.92 0.50–1.70 0.786
CVA 0.58 0.14–2.50 0.463 0.40 0.08–1.95 0.254
Osteoporosis 1.03 0.47–2.28 0.940 0.83 0.36–1.93 0.667
Robust 1.00 1.00
Pre-frail 1.41 0.94–2.12 0.096 1.07 0.71–1.60 0.755
Frail 2.71 1.72–4.29 <0.001 1.92 1.17–3.16 0.010
Nutrient intake insufficiency
Energy 1.67 1.19–2.36 0.003 1.37 0.95–1.97 0.090
Protein 2.17 1.59–2.96 <0.001 1.67 1.18–2.35 0.004
Carbohydrate 1.44 0.48–4.32 0.517 1.22 0.39–3.87 0.734
Iron 1.57 1.00–2.47 0.049 1.17 0.73–1.90 0.513
Vitamin C 1.51 0.95–2.39 0.081 1.25 0.77–2.02 0.365

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; CVA, cerebrovascular accident.

Model 1 was non-adjusted. Model 2 was adjusted by age, sex, educational status, life-style factors (including smoking and alcohol consumption), BMI, and co-morbidity.

Korean J Fam Pract 2023;13:15~22