Table. 2.

Physical activity strategies for long-term weight management

Organization (y) Recommendations
ACSM (2009)54)

After weight loss, weight maintenance is improved with PA >250 min/wk.

Some studies support the value of ~200- to 300-min/wk PA during weight maintenance to reduce weight regain after weight loss, and it seems that “more is better.’’

AHA/ACC/TOS (2013)35)

High levels of physical activity (>200 min/wk) are associated with better weight maintenance over time.

EASO OMTF (2019)36)

Regular physical activity decreases weight regain and the risk of weight cycling after weight loss.

At least 150 min/wk moderate aerobic PA, combined with 2–3 sessions of resistance exercise, recover pleasure to move, decrease physical inactivity.

Obesity Canada (2020)53)

Aerobic physical activity (30–60 min of moderate to vigorous intensity most days of the wk) can be considered for adults aiming to maintenance of fat-free mass during weight loss/weight maintenance after weight loss.

For adults living with overweight or obesity, resistance training may promote weight maintenance or modest increases in muscle mass or fat-free mass and mobility.

KSSO (2022)6)

For weight loss, it is recommended to perform aerobic exercise for at least 150 min per wk, 3–5 times a wk and resistance exercise using large muscle groups, 2–3 times a wk.

It is recommended to use a combination of diet, exercise, and cognitive behavioral therapy for weight maintenance after weight loss.

ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine; PA, physical activity; AHA, American Heart Association; ACC, American College of Cardiology; TOS, The Obesity Society; EASO, The European Association for the Study of Obesity; OMTF, Obesity Management Task Force; KSSO, Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.

Korean J Fam Pract 2023;13:128~137