Table. 3.

Association between alcohol use disorder, sleep problem, depression, anxiety and household type by sex (n=1,290)

Variable Category of household type, male (n=826) P-value Category of household type, female (n=464) P-value
Group 1 (n=340) Group 2 (n=269) Group 3 (n=217) Total Group 1 (n=174) Group 2 (n=146) Group 3 (n=144) Total
Alcohol use disordera 0.001 0.012
No 187 (55.0) 179 (66.5) 149 (55.6) 515 (62.3) 63 (36.2) 74 (50.7) 72 (50.0) 209 (45.0)
Yes 153 (45.0) 90 (33.5) 68 (31.3) 311 (37.7) 111 (63.8) 72 (49.3) 72 (50.0) 255 (55.0)
Sleep problemb 0.550 0.198
No 307 (90.3) 242 (90.0) 201 (92.6) 750 (90.8) 152 (87.4) 135 (92.5) 133 (92.4) 420 (90.5)
Yes 33 (9.7) 27 (10.0) 16 (7.4) 76 (9.2) 22 (12.6) 11 (7.5) 11 (7.6) 44 (9.5)
Depressionc 0.134 0.240
No 223 (65.6) 190 (70.6) 140 (64.5) 553 (66.9) 93 (53.4) 80 (54.8) 86 (59.7) 259 (55.8)
Mild 84 (24.7) 60 (22.3) 47 (21.7) 191 (23.1) 59 (33.9) 52 (35.6) 36 (25.0) 147 (31.7)
Moderate 33 (9.7) 19 (7.1) 30 (13.8) 82 (9.9) 22 (12.6) 14 (9.6) 22 (15.3) 58 (12.5)
Anxietyd 0.757 0.296
No 248 (72.9) 194 (72.1) 152 (70.0) 594 (71.9) 74 (42.5) 73 (50.0) 72 (50.0) 219 (47.2)
Suspicion 92 (27.1) 75 (27.9) 65 (30.0) 232 (28.1) 100 (57.5) 73 (50.0) 72 (50.0) 245 (52.8)

Values are presented as number (%).

AUDIT-K, Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Korean revised version; ISI, Insomnia Severity Index; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; GAS, Goldberg Anxiety Scale.

Group 1: one person household (self-boarding students); Group 2: live with peer group, such as live with one’s friend or live in dormitory; Group 3: live with one’s family or relatives.

aNo: AUDIT-K score ≤9 in male or 6 in female, Yes: AUDIT-K score >9 in male or 6 in female. bNo: ISI score <15, Yes: ISI score ≥15. cNo: PHQ-9 score <5, Mild: 5≤ PHQ-9 score <10, Moderate: PHQ-9 score ≥10. dNo: GAS score <2, Suspicion: GAS score ≥2.

P-value was obtained by Pearson’s chi-squared test.

Korean J Fam Pract 2023;13:138~144