Fig. 3. An example of false positive results of artificial intelligence-based computer-aided detection (AI-CAD) in a 62-year-old female undergoing screening mammography. (A) Craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique mammographic images of both breasts reveal no suspicious findings suggestive of breast cancer. (B) Lunit INSIGHT MMG (version; Lunit Inc.) assigned a malignancy suspicion score of up to 54 in the upper central portion of the right breast and the upper portion of the left breast. (C) Transpara (version 1.6.0; Screenpoint Medical) also provided indications with a maximum malignancy suspicion score of 67 in both breasts, assigning a breast cancer risk score of 10 for this examination. However, the ultrasound examination conducted on the same day showed no signs indicative of breast cancer, and no significant changes were observed in the follow-up examination 1 year later.