Table. 2.

Baseline characteristics

Variable Male (n=154) Female (n=71) Total (n=225) P-value
Age (y) 11.33±1.53 11.41±1.83 11.36±1.62 0.745
Height (cm) 156.91±10.92 155.03±9.34 156.31±10.46 0.211
Weight (kg) 71.04±16.94 67.41±16.90 69.89±16.97 0.136
BMI (kg/m2) 28.44±3.61 27.71±4.5 28.21±3.94 0.199
BMI z-score 2.63±0.78 2.66±0.98 2.64±0.85 0.817
Waist circumference (cm) 88.61±9.95 82.38±12.45 86.65±11.16 <0.001
Hip circumference (cm) 98.40±8.60 98.43±11.46 98.41±9.57 0.985
Waist Ht ratio 0.56±0.05 0.53±0.07 0.55±0.06 <0.001
Tanner stage 0.053
Prepuberty (stage 1) 42 (27.3) 11 (15.5) 53 (23.6)
Puberty (≥stage 2) 112 (72.7) 60 (84.5) 172 (76.4)
Acanthosis nigricans 0.612
Grade 0 75 (48.7) 32 (45.1) 107 (47.6)
Grade ≥1 79 (51.3) 39 (54.9) 118 (52.4)
AST (IU/L) 30.53±1.68 22.05±1.61 27.66±1.70 <0.001
ALT (IU/L) 35.86±2.17 20.43±2.09 29.96±2.25 <0.001
γ-GT (IU/L) 26.53±1.70 19.15±1.59 24.05±1.70 <0.001
Glucose (FPG) (mg/dL) 92.48±1.11 92.13±1.14 92.76±1.12 0.814
Insulin (μU/mL) 21.98±1.78 21.33±1.74 21.76±1.77 0.713
HOMA-IR 5.02±1.82 4.85±1.85 4.95±1.82 0.697
Hepatic fat 17.64±11.61 11.83±10.14 15.81±11.47 <0.001
VAT (cm2) 64.18±22.88
54.18±21.91 61.01±23.00 0.002

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation or number (%).

P-values were calculated with independent t-test for continuous variables or Pearson’s chi-square test for discrete variables. Insulin, HOMA-IR, AST and ALT were log transformed because they were not normally distributed.

BMI, body mass index; Waist Ht ratio, waist height ratio; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; γ-GTP, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment-estimated insulin resistance; VAT, visceral adipose tissue.

Korean J Fam Pract 2023;13:240~246