Korean J Fam Pract 2015; 5(3): 179-183  
Association between Hemoglobin A1c and Fasting Glucose Levels and the Prevalence of Hypertension in Nondiabetic Adults
Jae Il Lee, Jin Hee Yoon, Sun Ho Kim, Young Min Park*
Department of Family Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Received: February 25, 2015; Accepted: August 28, 2015; Published online: September 30, 2015.
© The Korean Academy of Family Medicine. All rights reserved.

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Background: Several studies have shown a significant association between glycosylated hemoglobin levels and cardiovascular disease. However, because only mean blood pressure was assessed in these studies, any analysis of the association between the prevalence of hypertension and glycated hemoglobin levels was limited. In particular, few studies have investigated the relationship between the prevalence of hypertension and glycosylated hemoglobin levels specifically in the Korean population. Furthermore, by analyzing the relationship between hypertension and fasting glucose levels, which are relatively easy to measure, one can consider the possibility of using glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting glucose levels in the treatment of hypertension.
Methods: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 5 data from 2010, 2011, and 2012 were used in this study. Participants younger than 20 years and older than 60 years, who were diagnosed with or receiving treatment for diabetes, taking cholesterol drugs, diagnosed with a malignant disease, or had hemoglobin A1c levels of 6.5% or higher or, fasting plasma glucose levels 126 mg/dL or higher were excluded. Therefore, data form a total of 6,399 subjects were excluded.
Results: The prevalence of hypertension increased significantly among subjects with glycosylated hemoglobin levels more than 5.7%, but after considering the effects of sex, drinking, smoking status, age, body mass index, and cholesterol levels, the relative risk of hypertension according to the group stratified by hemoglobin levels was non-significant. However, the prevalence and the relative risk of hypertension significantly increased in subjects with fasting glucose levels above 100 mg/dL.
Conclusion: The results of this show that glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose levels are significantly associated with the prevalence and relative risk of hypertension suggesting that these two factors should be considered in the treatment of hypertension.
Keywords: Glycosylated Hemoglobin A; Blood Glucose; Diabetes Mellitus; Hypertension

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